Granite Bay, California

The Finest of Granite Bay

We're building a Guide of the Granite Bay, California community in southwestern Placer County.

We're assembling lists of the leaders in each category.

It will be an ongoing project, not all the lists are complete and we expect to add and remove companies over time.

We're happy to receive your suggestions. We appreciate your views and experiences.

The summer heat wave is here - remember two years ago when we had 15 days in a row of 100+ temperatures? Call a Granite Bay Air Conditioning specialist and get your AC tuned up.

Another way to save on your energy bill, make sure your home insulation is adequate. An insulation contractor can often save you 20-30% on your monthly energy bill. PG&E offers rebates to help you pay for it. And you'll be helping reduce your own carbon footprint.

Traveling this summer or staying home? Imagine you're in Barcelona at a Spanish Restaurant for tapas, paella and sangria. Spain's become the #1 foodie paradise.

Buying of selling your home? Talk to an expert Granite Bay Realtor for advise on staging your home for max profit, what's happening with home prices and more.

What's your favorite Granite Bay Restaurant ? Check out our list and give your favorite a thumb up!

Granite Bay

Granite Bay Golf Club


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